Sometimes you just have to show up. It is not about being perfect. It is not about getting everything right. Just show up. Be present in your moment. You may not feel like working out or following your meal plan but it does not matter how you feel just show up anyway. The reason is when you are present you don’t worry about how you feel about working out because you are actually working out. Next time you don’t feel like doing something just show up in the moment and watch all the negative thoughts about what you were going to do fade away.
We get in our own way. We are the reason we don’t reach the goals we set out to accomplish and the crazy thing is we know it. We spend so much energy feeding all that we do “wrong” that we never actually do anything “right” We create a world full of shame and doubt and we don’t know how to free ourselves from it. So we sit in our shame, feeling pitiful and we feed ourselves junk to numb our hearts. I have done more harm to myself than anyone else has. I allowed myself to live in a state where I didn’t view myself worthy of happiness and love. Because I didn’t hold myself in a high regard I didn’t care what I put in my body. I didn’t care if I quit on a workout plan. What was the point? I was going to fail anyway. But one day I decided I wanted to rewrite my narrative. It was not about creating myself to be someone I am not; which is what I was doing. I was tired of shaming myself into doing right because it made me want to do the opposite every time. I decided I would not put that kind of pressure on myself to follow some plan perfectly. I would choose every day, every moment to show up. To make it a point to be aware of the moment I was in. Not judging if something was right or wrong but rather doing what was required in that moment. I had to stop viewing working out and eat a more balanced meal plan in a negative way. I was only doing those things because I thought I had to. So instead of thinking negatively about it I just stopped thinking period and I just showed up. I did the push-ups, I ate the oatmeal and I moved on. My point is, don’t look at the mountain you need to climb, just look at the next step you have to take. Just show up and before you know it you will be at the top. |
AbbaFit BlogThe AbbaFit blog is devised of AbbaFit community members who want to share their personal fitness journeys. It is a non-shaming, non-judging environment where we all can gain support and encouragement to a live to a better physical and mental life. Wanna join our blog team? Contact us today! Archives
February 2018