photo by: Matthew Wiebe Don't let the unpredictability of life discourage you from reaching your goals.
Having six kids I know a thing about things happening when you least expect it. You can have a plan of action but things don't go as you envision them. You see, I sacrifice my time and agenda for my kids. I put my plans to the side to help them. The problem is when the situation is resolved, I don't pick up my plans, I just wing it. I try to make up for lost time not realizing that there is no lost time. There is no deadline except for the one I created. If I created it, I can adjust it. I can form it into what can realistically benefit me now. When we create plans, we create them unrealistically. We say we are going to work out everyday for an hour when we have not worked out for months. We going to eat certain things but we never tasted them before. The plan motivates us to start our journey but it can't keep us on it we don't allow our experiences to customize it to our fitting. We are all different. We can do the same workout plan and we will get different results. If we are all different than we have different goals and aims in life. It is important that we make goals but as we live adjust them as we discover who we are. Embrace adjustments because that is what makes you special. Here are 4 tips to help you reach your goals in life.
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February 2018